Board of Officers, Directors & Committee Chairs
VCOI President
Bill Elliot
VCOI Vice President
Samantha Dumm
VCOI Secretary
Susan Gervais
VCOI Treasurer
Chris Wolowiec
Board of Directors
Michelle Princer
Ed McHale
Rodney Albin
Brad LePoudre
Cathy Gallagher
Rick Forner
Field Trial Supernumerary
Michelle Princer
Hunt Test Supernumerary
Brad & Cindy LePoudre
Dog Show Supernumerary
Kathy Engelsman
Bird Wrangler
Brad LePoudre
Steve Scruggs
Public Education Chairman
Legislative Chairman
Chad Chadwell
Newsletter Editor(s)
Samantha Dumm
Membership Chairman
Michelle Princer
Awards Plaque Chairman
George Haines